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revelations day.
lol finally figured out what s + s = 4s refers to now... thanks to the super obvious hints. =) but i'm curious ah... why 4? why not 3? i thought china had a one child policy? and why is s = 3s? sabby so short meh. today went running with wen hao... i think i ran so slowly that he was damn bored. but he still ran to the end with me anyway. thanks a lot yeah. and after run i climbed stairs then thigh and calf muscles almost cramp... nv stretch properly. next time must remember >< oh yar and floorball is damn fun. scored 1 goal today. and wen hao and woo han's deadly combi scored 2 or 3. but we still lost lar because stupid michaelj go and play for the opposite team -.- he scored 2 and set up 1.... so we ended up losing 6-5. 我不服! next tuesday REMATCH. bring it on. hmm that's more or less it... oh yar we had a lie detector test in class. just me, woo han and eugene. turns out that i'm 75% accurate about woo han but 0% for eugene.... must try harder lor. and eugene also damn scandalous XD shall not detail it here. shit realised that i'm becoming damn gossipy.... like back to pri sch liddat. "this guy likes this girl this girl likes this guy" >< must 改过自新。 can my blog display chinese characters? some ppl have been pestering me about updating my blog so ok lor, i update... but not much happened today leh. if i blog about band again i think uall also damn sian right?
hmm okay today i learned that maths lecture is a waste of time (actually i knew already lah. then i forget and went to listen again. so now learn again lor), our PW teacher is damn stupid, and Vaish wants to get addicted to wc3. none of these points are of note except for the last one. VAISH U CRAZY GIRL i'm sure u want to get addicted to it >< damn poor timing sia... first 3 months about to be over then u want to start learning wc3. later common test die how? after sch maths teacher nv come..... so i left early to go prac for perc ensemble with my section. see we practice so hard.... all who read this blog must come for the concert ah! yup ^^ and apparently my shameless advertising managed to get my entire class to go for play. am i good or what? XD hmm that's about it la i guess. grace (tang)'s birthday coming soon. must go get present liao. my wallet ggxx wah a lot to say leh... this post going to be damn long.
now's sunday liao, and i only just found time to blog. last few days have been quite hectic... friday night went for drama feste. at first i thought it was going to be a waste of time but it was really good. really really good. kudos to moor-tarbet, morrison-richardson and bayley-waddle for the inspired plays. moor-tarbet's was a damn powerful, emotionally charged play called You're. Very abstract, very powerful, but the actors didn't seem to have much 默契。 quite a waste. Then morrison-richardson's one was the shaun chua one, so naturally it rocked..... Worth Going Nowhere was about a 67 year old guy who dies on his birthday, finds out that he has only 15 min before he disappears forever, and then goes on to reflect on the things that have made his life worthwhile. well-executed, touching. but bayley-waddle's Dog on the Roof was the best imo: a satire on extremist religion and politics based in a mental institution. VERY well-written script. bensen koh roxorz. of course it was also the ppl i went with that made it fun too.... got there on time and spent some time talking to yixuan before the rest of the OG showed up. found out that the PAC's damn cold and that juline doesn't have perfect eyesight XD juline so cute wearing specs lol. yup then after it ended i went home with pok and ning rui... reached home near 12 and promptly flopped onto the bed and fell asleep =) apparently my sis and my mum had a hell of a time trying to wake me up to go bathe. lol. as a result, by the time i really got to bed proper it was already 2.30+ so i totally died for next day's band prac.... was falling asleep every time i was in the band room and had nothing to play. luckily i didn't spend much time in the band room itself. we were outside most of the time, and since im a perc i have no instru to practice on outside =) yup so i spent the time painting banner and talking nonsense... feel like gushing about my batchmates again. lol. funn bunch of people =) too bad grace leaving liao. grace stayyy............. if not i'll pester u every day. (woot that rhymed. nvm) after that had jap lesson as usual, then took a nice quiet walk back home as usual. I love my saturdays. morning hang out with bandmates, afternoon lesson and quality time alone, and finally nights with my family. heh. if only every day was like that. no school lol. hmm long long post. and there's physics lecture test tomorrow. amazingly i've studied for it already. so i can post some more. but then i got nothing to say. so end here lor. a tribute to my bandmates.
u guys rock! it's never boring when you're around....thanks to en yi for her dancing, yiheng for his bullshit and singing, jia ying for her neverending supply of stories to tell, venetia for her... very vocal nature and shaun for just being there =) and to our quiet ppl... narishka, shaun, fatimah, zhu feng... speak up more! mervin yinrui zack..... come more often leh >< i don't mean for band prac. i mean come and hang out with the band ppl. sorry i wasn't able to go for band prac today. tell me what happened my tagboard sucks. someone recommend a better one ><
finally changed my blogskin and linked ppl... apologies to those i may have left out. drop me a tag and i'll link u straight away =)
in other news, band prac on wed is cancelled and i can't make it on thurs >.<><>< oh yeah, mervin had this brilliant idea to bring and play other games instead. so uh apparently he's bringing monopoly and connect 4 tmr. and someone's bringing uno cards. so okay lah no gambling den we have kiddy palace instead =) oh i just remembered. we did get to play bridge yesterday at 4.59 in the canteen... and in the first game wen hao and i totally owned. won all 13 tricks XD i bid four no trump, called ace hearts and immediately drew out all the clubs with my ace king queen jack.... ended up winning with all 7 of my clubs and an ace spade.....then passed to wen hao who promptly won the rest XD best game i ever played. yup u know i have a sad life when winning a bridge game is a significant event in my life... tmr we going to buy paint. happy day... my phone recovered! amazing sia. lcd conk out one day and the next day it's miraculously okay again. it's like it took a day off or something. but now its like a mixed blessing liddat... cos i think im gonna run out of sms soon =/
happy bdae venetia! just got to know her then her bdae come liao... so sway lol. apparently her friends came to crash her house today and she got a shock when she woke up and saw everyone beside her bed XD so nice lor her friends. and they're so close! wah almost makes me jealous sia. almost. woke up early today to go eat dim sum with my family... then when we got back everyone promptly fell asleep again. lolx. now im supposed to be doing hw but somehow im playing with my sticks, practicing card tricks and surfing blogs. hm i wonder how it happened. maybe it has something to do with my father being asleep =) so now i shld go play dota! screw physics report i can piah that tonight. now hope that my group members don't come here >< see what i mean? today started out damn awful but became damn fun =) morning had econs lecture and that stupid dunno what name teacher's voice gave me a headache. then PE time instead of running around like headless chickens for floorball we had a lecture -.- after break got GP where we sketched time-interest level graphs to pass time. then finally maths i forgot to bring my tutorial >.< so all my academic periods were damn screwed up. even worse we got large stack of hw to do. so after classes i was feeling damn screwed up too
then some more our class all split up after classes. some went j8 to take photos, some went to watch the GP documentary and some actually went home =/ so i went down to the canteen alone. eh no actually i went hunting around school for bluetack to put up band posters. i realised how wasteful ppl are. every pillar or so i find enough bluetack to put up one poster =) so eventually posted all of them and then went canteen. met nandita and pj and xin yun in the canteen... talked cock ate lunch and played gin rummy for awhile until the rest of the class came back. then nandita and pj went off for some dance thingy and me mervin eugene cherie and her brother played bridge and daidi for a long time... lol found out her brother's name today. nicholas. cool dude. hmms went around and talked to some old and new friends... zihan zackary zackary's friend ming kiat and others. oh yeah saw juline and jian liang also =) sorry juline. only recognise the 2 of u. were there 2 other girls? how come i didn't notice wan. somehow it was kind of heartening to know that, if i walk through the canteen i'll see at least 2 or 3 ppl i know... yup. anyway at 5+ or so talentime started.... all the 5 houses did song and dance while moor-tarbet did a mini-skit thingy... new discovery: guys can't dance and girls can't sing. with the exception of the breakdancing guys then there were the competing bands. overall damn disappointing. certain groups were just sad, everyone damn lousy. but there were some groups where 1 player/singer spoiled it for the whole band. that was just wasted. then the poor acoustics of the canteen + the obvious lack of practice resulted in a disaster. but it was quite fun to watch i guess. was with the band ppl throughout the thing.... which was good cos we were all music ppl and so we could comment on their playing lor. yang bin can't sing. and venetia screams very loudly and has a knee brace =) after talentime we all went to the amphi to eat and talk cock. thx grace, jasmine, and sze min for buying food for us =) so we ate and talked cock all the way til 9+.... the girls very hyper. and very violent. and loud. and just plain scary lah. we ate til 7.30 and overshot the time for movie under the stars....so didn't go and crash it after all. instead we just sat there playing lame games like murderer and watching the girls doing....things to each other. dun say here lah just in case ppl sensitive. yup overall fun fun day. got home at 11 liddat. now it's 1.15 and there's band tmr. and i have to be awake by 7.30. so better go to bed now. i <3 my class. i really really <3 my class! bunch of cocksters... 5 judokas... and many scandalous ppl =) it's like sex and violence with jokes. total ownage XD
today we went science centre and acted like a bunch of little kids... officially demoted (or is that promoted?) to p6F now. we rock. spent so much time playing laughing and shouting. i think we embarrassed mr lai damn badly lol. then we had a button-pressing and fan-flying competition and picture taking in the mini-hall of mirrors. cherie damn photogenic...im jealous >< and everyone in class is damn ego. wen hao ego until run into the fountain sia... but his ego not strong enough... he got wet anyway =) according to him his ego went back down to zero. but it shot back up again anyway. after the omnimax movie he was playing with mervin's pink towel. diao. after everything we were walking through the rain back to jurong east interchange... i made it a point to stand beside mervin and wen hao so their egos would shield me from the rain =) fun day. to think i was angsting yesterday. reminds me of an old song 你知道-许美珍 今天很快乐 昨天很失意 生活的情绪 就像天气 明明下着雨 转眼阳光照耀一地 所以别在意 风风和雨雨 生活的步履 就像远行 偶尔很崎岖 偶尔平坦顺利 由黑夜走到天明 你知道若你想哭 我会让你依靠 知道日子再苦 我都会逗你笑 不管欢笑泪水 苦或甜 我会一直陪着你 不疲倦 did i mention i <3 my class? XD v-day.
i feel invincible today XD but before today i talk about yesterday lah. yesterday richard's birthday... we ordered like 4 pizzas and destroyed our class fund. it's 破惨 liao. and so we had to pay $40 to the class treasurer today. there goes my hong bao money...no lah. actually still got quite a lot left. heh. yeah and yesterday when i went to far east flora guess who i saw....Mr Lai! loll he was buying a bunch of flowers for his wife i think. he spent alot of time there also. so indecisive. anyway. today was. fun. like every girl in my OG brought chocs and sweets on top of their gifts...so nice of them =) oh yeah and gerard brought ferrero rochers for everyone too. and stuff for ppl over and above the gifts we were supposed to exchanging. either he's really nice or really rich. OGLs got a bundle of sweets and a letter for us too. ahh so much sweets and chocs. then i got even more chocs from lu rong later -.- i think my sweet tooth will fall off =/ ppl so secretive about gifts lol. or maybe im just unobservant. let's see i think i draw diagram gerard------------------------------------------>yixuan calendar, stuffed toy and some coolio card okay on second thought forget it. too many to say here. erwet got some really cute thing for candera and juline got a sunflower =) and zhi ying got a monkey. lolll hmm okay after that we had a time-wasting civics period and it was on to chem... and ruth gave me this big box of sweets lol. so much sweets. im going to die of diabetes halfway through lor... but yeah it will come in handy during GP and maths lectures. thx a lot ruth =) during PE time we did floorball and pullups... and i can finally do 1! okay it's a swinging one but what the heck, it's an improvement. i'm happy =) then we played bridge during lunch and sabby gave out chocs to all the guys. she actually took time to print out all those little decorative card thingys... girls put so much effort into these things lol. thx too sabby =) and so due to various happy happenings i ended up feeling invincible for the rest of the curriculum hours....talked cock to the maths teacher for a while, then schemed with the guys to waste time during econs by asking lee xiuli stupid questions XD but she too smart for us lah. we asked her stuff like "are you attached" and "what's the name of your hairdresser" and stuff like that and she realised what we were doing within 10 questions. yup then i slept through GP (waste of time anyway) and after that did GP work and went home. skipped extra prac today. sorry zhu =) hm that's it i guess... so few ppl visit my blog. i shall go self-promote now oh ya forgot to blog about our sad class outing. we went to the interchange mac's to eat breakfast, but got girl-guy separation again. then ppl left for their sec4 classes. see lah 4p. ppl so on and what about us?
so we hung out at the gift shops awhile then the girls all left. about 7 guys stayed so we went to the coolio outdoor area in j8 and played... cards. yup addicted liao. oh yeah then we played "i have never". i kena owned. today was fun. went to grandma's house to eat steamboat XD and her ee mian rox. and the yam 甜品 also. then after lunch went out to orchard to get vday presents. damn siao i spent my entire afternoon there. like 3 all the way to 7. and i still couldn't find what i wanted. sigh. im some loser. some pro giftgiver come help me... and my phyx project rox XD woohan u r pro. and sun lu too! 8 a1s 2 a2s hows that man XD yup. and i gtg sleep now father waiting. beauty.
how should i say this? beauty comes in many forms. the beauty of things, places, the beauty of a moment. and beauty of ppl as well of course. today i walked home from the cc after my jap course. old route, familiar sights. it was somehow very comforting, just taking a quiet walk through the neighbourhood where i've lived for the entirety of my life. very peaceful. and considering that it was evening and the sun was just shining in my face, it was kinda beautiful as well. funny isn't it? it's just a normal place. it shouldn't affect me so much. and yet it does. maybe it's just the quiet. without my fellow band batchmates around it just seems so much quieter =) no offense yeah. just ahem stating facts. on a side note, yesterday on the bus i witnessed 2 40-year-old aunties relieving their cresent days. quite amazing. one was already on the bus while the other came on later... they were just sitting opposite each other like strangers when one suddenly asked the other, "do i know you?" they started comparing notes and realised that they had actually been batchmates, some 20+ years ago. then they discussed people they remembered and eventually exchanged contacts. quite touching really. wonder if any of us will be like that in 20-30 year's time. oh yeah, and one thing one of them said struck me quite deeply. she said, "after sec 4 we just lost contact". sadded. so a reminder to all: don't forget to talk to old friends once in a while yeah! speaking of which im going to call zhu feng now. ciao have you ever had a day when so much happens and you just can't wait to blog about it?
let's see. lets go chronologically 7.10 am i met wen hao to do chem assignment. he's damn on. did a crossword and word search woot. damn coolio font also. bet all of you haven't started yet XD 7.30 am went to my OG to play cards. i was asked why i thought Just Wang is attached. haha kind of self-explanatory right liyana and yixuan =) 7.40 am went for assembly only to find out that theres no assembly. when the sky is totally clear. brilliant RJ admin. so went to the canteen 7.50 am and saw my class all outside the phyx lab liao! so on. went up there only to find that 7.55 am they're playing bridge. -.- 8 - 10 am had lots of fun fooling arou.....*ahem* extrapolating results in phyx lab with richard. moving funnels up and down and spilling water XD which is the inspiration for my blog webbie btw 10.30 am got bored halfway during maths lecture. found out that wen hao cherie and miki had written letters to their angels liao, so decided to write back too =) maths lecture waste of time anyway 11.00 am ran to letter racks and library with wen hao to post letters to angel (mine and Miki's) and return miki's library book -.- miki SLACKKOR XD 11.05 am eats shoots and leaves =) nfi 12.00 pm lunch...guess what? yeah guys and girls separate again. sadded lah we all. played more bridge. saw juline. 1.45 pm econs lecturer let us off early so we sat outside lt4 playing....guess what? yes more bridge. saw juline again. she accused me of stalking her oO and cherie returned miki's letter right back to him lol. and then miki still ask her put back for him. loll 2.00 - 3.30 pm final lifelovesex workshop. nice finishing song. dunno whether i want to pledge yet... oh yeah i think i dumped the pledge cards into the washing machine. gg me. 3.30 pm went to "the usual table" and played more bridge >< what a life 4.00 pm going home... saw juline again in the canteen. quite freaky. 4.05 pm caught my bus! lol my luck must be changing. too bad yinrui =) yup. fun day overall. and to top it all off, i have a stack of homework and a banner to design by tmr =) as of now chem assignment is done but maths and banner still pending. and here i am blogging. i love my work attitude =) |