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爱,是一种体会。即使心碎,也觉得甜蜜。 ... sigh. lol. got caught in the rain 3 times today! so fun ^^ haven't run in the rain for too long.
the morning teacher's day program was good. especially the video LOL. super teachers =) wanted to sneak off to play soccer but luckily we didn't. would have missed a lot. kudos to the video team (kinkit, matthew, chun, you know who you are), the emcees zhenghong and bensen, mitchell the VERY sporting superman, and the teacher's day comm basically. i just realised that that includes mr lai. lol. after the program we went to A76 for pizza.... tables were arranged in a 6F shape and mr lai was called up on the pretense of sabby wanting to ask chem questions =) mr lai's older daughter is damn cute lar! tabitha i think. is it? and his wife is nice too. got quite some pics to 讨 from ppl. OH and we got a video of mr lai dancing too! must watch =) post on youtube yiwen? after everything ended and class dispersed me, wen hao, mervin, shi jun and eugene went to play soccer with benny, shaun and jeff. rapid fire goals lol. i think the end result was something like 8-7 to us. 6F power rawr. ate lunch at s11 with shaun and jeff... talked quite a lot of nonsense. then ran back in the rain to school cos it was still early. went to library to kachiao wen hao's pw group. and dun ask me what they were doing -.- damnnn lame. and phony =) oh yes and wen hao guai lan me -.- i could guai lan him back on this blog but im not so immature. =) yup. after that was electone lesson. ms wong mooted the idea of me becoming an electone demonstrator. apparently auditions are in november but i'm still not sure whether i'm good enough to play professionally. oh well we'll see. today was a day of wasted opportunities. enough said lastly. to all teachers out there, a very happy teacher's day! teaching is never easy, and i really do admire the teachers who put in the effort and go the extra mile to not just give a good lesson, but be a good role model and mentor for all their students =) to all of you: thank you. we do appreciate you. just that we may not overtly show it haha. question: red lights on one side, yellow on the other. guess a place.
answer: crowded highway s cube seminar was kind of a waste of time. that 2nd lieutenant's presentation was quite cool though. today was quite a nothing day. except for the 5-7 pm part which was comm meeting... open house and lunch concert percussion ensembles. zhu and nar i know you're reading this. bug me online if u want to know =) tmr teacher's day! and aces day lar. relax, that doesn't mean that we'll play bridge whole day long tmr. heard that we're doing some hip hop dance.... sounds interesting. oh yeah today was the last day of school! woohoo. right. except that we gotta study -.- oh wells. tmr's somebody's birthday too =P happy birthday in advance. haha. loll read mervin's blog on wednesday, august the 23rd, 2006 for a detailed account of how marcus kicked yiheng's birthday soccer ball onto the roof of the hall. like wtf?
accomplished a lot today. fun with games people play in the morning (sweets haha!), chem lecture, then PE. amazingly i didn't pon fitness (oops i didn't say that) this time; the teachers kindly let us play soccer! haha. came in 2 minutes and got an assist =) too pro le sorry. haha. recess/chinese was a lot of bridge and a little bit of summation. somehow wen hao was busy poking people, willy and shijun were busy exploring resonance structures in Tacoma, and none of them could make it to chinese class. heh. econs after chinese, which was interesting for once. GP was GP. got caught doing maths though. bah. maths was fun =) amazingly summation was simple and fun to do. and i was leeching school electricity to feed my handphone throughout the 3 hours =) found out something about a classmate today too. heh. after sch was more bridge, a bit of fooling around with the soccer ball, and finally 4 (almost) straight hours of doing maths. got binomials tutorial today and finished it. take that miki =) this is what a day should be. on a side note: class blog! -primary6F.blogspot.com go visit! i think im becoming an arrogant bastard. this is not good. please tell me im not becoming an arrogant bastard >< i would apologise, but that would be even more arrogant. to think that a simple "sorry" would mitigate everything.
to all i may or may not have offended, i'm sorry. maybe i am an arrogant bastard after all. anyway. i've been saying sorry too much lately. so much for having no regrets. just have to shape up, watch myself and all more i guess. you know what's the saddest thing? i think the saddest thing is those people who search and search for meaning in their lives and never find it, when the meaning was right there all along. everything you do changes the world in some little way, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. but it always means something. to those who think life is meaningless: life is meaning. the only time when things become meaningless is when you're dead. in other, happier words: love life, live love =) disclaimer: if the paragraph 2 paragraphs above sounds a bit like miki, that's because it doesn't. haha. i've been reading too much catch-22. You Are an ISFP
The Artist You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now). You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children. Simply put, you enjoy beauty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life. Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs. You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer. What's Your Personality Type? too much time, as usual =P koped from enyi's blog. i should go do work soon. whew. eating chocolate to destress. just finished the electone showcase at bukit panjang plaza.... it was good. which is kind of amazing seeing that i only had 1 week of practice oO damn but i'm good. lol.
which reminds me. you should never have low self-esteem, 因为各有各的专长. i've learnt that the hard way, all through primary school and for parts of sec too. but yeah, let other people own on the soccer field or the academic ground; i will own on the stage. haha i love performing. the butterflies in the stomach before the thing itself, then the enjoyment of playing your heart out with dozens (hundreds?) of pairs of eyes on you. there's nothing quite like it =) was just talking to nar about click... i remember what pj and nandita said about it too, some time ago when they watched it. lessons in life i guess. don't work so hard that you miss sight of what you worked for in the first place; take time off to spend time with your loved ones; appreciate the blessings in your life. and never stop dreaming! i know i won't =P self-reflection... seems like lately i've been irritating, offensive and totally phony. to anyone and everyone who got pissed at me: i'm sorry. been really.... distracted lately.
RI band investiture just over... quite sad but, as you can probably tell, it doesn't hold that much meaning to me anymore. my time was over a long time ago anyway... but it is kind of heartening to see my juniors so bonded. to kinchun: congrats for becoming the new perc SL =) and to brian: u've done well. really. a lot better than what my batch did, i think. keep the beat. it's quite sad to return to a place where u know u don't belong anymore. maybe i shouldn't have gone >< [edit] removed all the angst. it's stupid anyway. [/edit] weird. i had so much in my head when thinking of what to blog, but now that i actually get down to doing it, my mind's a total blank.
JC's really a new start, and a lot of new things learnt for me. i've learnt to work hard, not just play hard; to appreciate the things that i'm blessed with; and to lead. just a bit. it's not much, but it's a start. =) i should go find a new hobby. or a new game. eh wait i already have a new hobby: sleeping. feel like learning sign language. but no time. how? everybody's falling sick >< burning out one by one. take care of yourselves ah, all you people!
i just realised that p4 was half a lifetime ago. 7 years passed just like that. what have i accomplished within this 7 years? it's really something to think about. oh i've been playing electone for 7 years already! oO time sure flies. just read something interesting on pj's blog. interesting, but sad at the same time. and my dad's watching a ghost show now. heh it's actually quite interesting. but now's not the time to get freaked out... sian... im sure everything so nice, now tumbling down again. this sucks.
whew. just had about 3 hours of discussion work done. quite productive, surprisingly.
did a lot of stuff over this weekend...... just didn't do much academic work >< dammit. and haven't cut my hair too. sry mr lai =/ but at least PW gaodim, my table's cleaned up, react games are settled and my electone playing's going well. yup. revise maths grrr. okay i really have too much time but..... just something i found on enyi's blog.
"Friends are FOREVER. Boys are whatever." -from a tshirt. =) it's quite interesting to read other peoples' blogs. especially those of your classmates. it all goes to show what other people notice (and bother to blog about) and what you do. it seems that i've missed some things so yup, it's time to make up for it.
some time ago (on national day week... wednesday), we had a half-the-guys-plus-yiwen class outing. the cycling and stuff was quite routine, except for one part when we raced. willy and i bike racing, with eugene holding on to his bike and wen hao holding on to mine. surprisingly wen hao and i won =/ how did that happen i also dunno. (oh wen hao and eugene were on skates at that time) after cycling around, wen hao went off, and yiwen's mum fetched us all to the singapore swimming club. it's right opposite dunman lol. yiwen showed us around and the place is super nice! we sat at a table next to the pool and all and uh yeah, the ambience was just nice. yiwen was a super good host, helping us order food, get water, showing us around and so on. long overdue but thx yiwen =) watched the fireworks from the roof of the carpark. super nice view =) the pics aren't exactly spectacular though, so i won't bother posting them. the moon was nice though =) ![]() next: our class won interclass chem quiz! "our class" being wen hao, ruth and nandita. heh congrats ppl though i've already said that. woo han's birthday today. luckily it's on the weekend, there's time to think of what to get him =) oh yeah those ducks i ordered so long ago! but they haven't come yet >< oh well i've have to owe it to you woo han. lol. i'm getting more on about electone all of a sudden. somehow playing until sweat streams down my forehead is super song. just like running/runner's high i suppose. i should go run more. NS coming. sigh my dad just told me to do work and read more news again >< i've been doing just that, if you haven't realised. sighh it would really help my morale a lot if you actually noticed. but oh well that's asking too much i guess. and today i realised the wisdom of "no news is good news". people would inform you if they can't make it, if there's a problem, things like that. if you don't hear anything, all's good. just like now. the world's silent and everything's going fine =) after a bath im going back to work. LOL it just occurred to me that i may have freaked an old friend out. some weeks ago she was telling me that some guy liked her. then i said that the guy had good taste. she rushed offline and we haven't talked since.
don't look at me like that. it was just a compliment! lol quite funny. today wenhao, priscilla, pj and i stayed back to talk nonsense for damnnn long.... did all kinds of lame stuff like picking professions, taking pictures (dammit lar, the nice one of wenhao got deleted), drinking soyabean (some kind soul gave it to us! one carton with the cups omg. haha nar), telling stories, naming people (apparently i look like a tony, priscilla looks like a priscilla, and woo han looks like a john. =) ) and basically whiling the time away. so fun, haven't talked for so long.... for so long. haha. wenhao tried to sabo me for para para paradise -.- i'm sure la. maybe next time when i'm more mentally prepared. [edit] just an update on what i've been up to. or rather what i'll be up to soon. currently up to my ears in work and undone revision. z'omg 5 weeks left only..... must work faster. coming sunday i'm going to be playing electone at bukit panjang plaza! haha at 4 pm. anyone who's in the neighbourhood, please just drop by =) heh. and then there's REACT. sigh should go send that email out. some bomb i keep remembering stuff to blog about. then keep having to come back and add in... i think im starting to be able to lie really well =) go me. [/edit] never felt so tired before. this time it's not physical or mental fatigue. it's kind of like a spiritual fatigue. i don't feel like doing anything. and there's just stubbornly so much to do.
didn't get a green tongue today even though i sucked a green lollipop. cheated >< michelle ooi still sux. though maybe i should show her a bit more respect. or maybe just be a bit less blatant with my disrespect. LOL rihanna. it's a small world. but then there's no such thing as coincidence. think of something enough, and chances are you'll come by it sooner or later. don't believe me? try it. doesn't matter whether it's a person or an object. which brings me to this (koped from miki's blog. see im acknowledging my sources): Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and associated with travel and expansion. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a dynamic, ethical, humorous, generous, open-hearted, compassionate and energetic character but one which is also prone to pridefulness, foolishness, impulsiveness, unpredictability and superstition. kind of scary. i don't think i'm dynamic, but everything else is scarily accurate. i don't like travel beyond certain boundaries, but i do like to learn new things (though i get bored with them easily). i'm also very superstitious as some ppl might know. i believe in ghosts, in human thought, and in other er superstitious stuff. yeah =) and everything else is true too. the art of randomness. it starts with simply being bored. finally got something to blog about. today we went out to celebrate yinrui's birthday heh =) i think she already knew that there was something going on since SOMEONE called her asking for her mum -.- lol. anyway it was quite nice. yinrui liked the necklace we picked out! haha it was all worth it =P incidentally that was what i was shopping at far east for. with zhu and nar of course.
after that was to swensen's for dinner. heh nar and i owned yinrui with the coffee ice cream =) nvm private joke. quite funny the way we kept calling yinrui "queen" and letting her have her way and all. but for today (and tomorrow) only ah! don't expect us (or at least me la) to be like that all the time hor. spent the time talking nonsense (econs and physics, of all things =/), eating (duh) and playing the word association game. super funny when you have a totally random section ^^ and i don't look that old do i? [edit] lol and our glasses kept getting refilled! like yinrui said, we must "learn to say no." ^^[/edit] haha i love my sectionbatch. and to yinrui: may you have a very happy and blissful birthday tmr =) one year older, one year wiser eh. except in your case it's one additional year. our 老大 sl =) does that make you even wiser? =P gd luck for the test tmr! sure A wan it's your birthday =) heheh. okay back to other stuff. wanted to post a pic of yinrui but aiyah, she'll kill me =P another time. can't afford to die now. there's still REACT games to plan and econs test to mug for. ah wells. oligopolies, here i come. it's michelle ooi bashing time!
me: "ma'am, could you tell us more about the African Union?" her: (turns away) "right class, if you want to know more about this, go check it out. blah blah GP blah blah internet resources etc." in that annoying fake accent of hers. doing inference questions me: "ma'am, where did u get the 'abusing of freedom' from?" her: "from the passage." gee i didn't know that. -.- what i meant was WHERE in the passage lar. me: "ma'am, so are you saying that the focus is on the cheese?" her: (basically) "yes. that's what the answer says." GP tutor indeed. what was i doing, shopping at far east on a saturday evening?
well anyway here are some things we saw. ![]() yesyes i know nasi lemak very power. no need to 吹牛. ![]() poor grammar tsktsk. speak better engrish u know! ![]() too many ppl complained. so now they have a airconditioned bus stop. and finally: ![]() omg? omg. lol anyway after that we went to see fireworks. super nice but unfortunately my video not good enough..... it started out with a green one, went to red, and finally ended with yellow/gold. the whole thing lasted about 10 minutes. the best pics i have below=) ![]() ![]() yup. somehow it looks better on com! heheh. ok that's it better go sleep. PW transcription awaits tmr. along with everything else >< kena tagged by pj heh.
Do the following WITHOUT complaints (aiyah up to u lar. u complain also i wun say anything) 2. Choose 5 people to do this after you have completed yours 3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged. 4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this. Current Mood: happy. because of rahoi.com/2006/03/may-i-take-your-order.php =) Current Taste: um. yakult? Current Clothes: RI pe. no point wasting it right =) Current Desktop: a step in lt1. lol. Toenail Colour: pink? =/ maybe i should go whack it then it'll turn black... Curent Time: 11.20 pm Current Surroundings: my little corner of the world. refer below. Current Annoyances: nothing really. my sister? First Best Friends: er? some yang guy in pri sch. and kang wei. First Crush: siok yen. pri sch First Movie: mars attacks LOL First Lie: can't remember la First Music: even more can't remember Last Crush: lalala Last Movie: i think it was over the hedge Last Phone Call: zhu feng. for about 45 min lol. Last song played: lol i go play a song now la. cheat. first love. Have you ever dated one of your best friend: nope. Have you ever broken the law: if being warned at midnight outside the bubble tea shop with my OG counts, then yes. Have you ever been arrested: nope. Have you ever skinny-dipped: dunno. never been skinny. Have you ever been on TV: once i think. but can't rmb Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: like duh. 5 things you are wearing: RI PE shirt, black shorts, specs. er isn't that it? 4 things you did today: woke up, went to NUS, interviewed adrian cheok (some pro!), talked nonsense with my PW mates 3 things you can hear right now: first love, the TV, light switch going off heh. 1 thing you do when you're bored: play electone. ok i should blog about daily happenings, like the 1/2 the class guys + yiwen outing yesterday, and the adrian cheok interview today. but i shall leave it cos im lazy oh yes 5 ppl. nar, zhu, zihan (who's never going to do it but hey...), eugene, nandita. spare you la zack =) "Quietly in a modern art museum, Jian Wei died while muttering death threats to anyone who would listen.
Jian Wei will be terribly missed by Chuck Norris." what will your obituary say? http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=114 OMG LOL. what does it mean, when someone says that he is happy? is he:
1. satisfied with the here and now? 2. anticipating the future? 3. recalling the events that have just occurred? well whatever the case, i'm happy. =) today was some super fun day. morning was soccer/lame game playing in the raffles room. the national day programme was just plain sad. prometheum was even sadder! and they wonder why rj has no soul >< but enough of that. soccer was 6F versus band ppl and we owned =) me mervin wenhao and willy versus benny shaun jeff and yiheng (for the most part). happy bday yiheng! while that was going on the girls and eugene and mervin were playing pomelo in the raffles room (mervin joined soccer later). halfway through stupid mervin pangsehed us for mac's -_- but they walked so slow me wenhao and willy managed to catch up anyway. dabaoed meepok to eat at mac's... heh we were sitting outside lar so it wasn't so bad. after a bit of bridge playing we all split, some ppl went movie, some went home, i went to meet sabby and hui zhen at clementi for the IDM seminar. turned out to be quite good =) then after the seminar we stayed around and talked nonsense for a long time. NUS chicken chop! and some people stepped in cement ^^ too pro le. yup so basically we had a nonsensely fun day to celebrate the nation's bday =) see so patriotic. which reminds me: like enyi said, why is the whole world's birthday in august? so far it's 8 and counting... gg. [edit] last count: 11. oO just remembered wen hao screwed up his street dance lol. and oh thanks yinrui for the cake. heh. and glhf zihan with your hot taiwanese girl....... [/edit] i'm starting to get very irritated at h3 chem. it's a freaking chem module, not a bio module! there's a reason why i didn't take bio. i don't want to have to study about the kidneys, or the brain, or whatever. yeah i know what you're thinking. if i don't like it, go somewhere else right? except that it's the only MOE h3 chem module available. so even if i don't like it, there's nowhere else to go.
grrrgh. stupid bigots. bio ppl have a huge advantage la. they can revise, while us physics ppl just have more to study. -.- go to hell la MOE lousy syllabus heh my parents damn cute la! they're hitting each other =/
lol today was quite a nothing day. chionged through chem focus and h3 chem >< shouldn't have left it to last minute. for GP essay assignment i was feeling inspired, so i wrote q5 "thou shalt not kill. why not?" lol the lamest question. well we'll see how it turns out. things are settling into comfortable rhythms. school, bridge, soccer, chapteh, some work, come home, electone, blog/chat, work, sleep at ungodly hour. the work part at home needs improvement but otherwise all's good. there's a nice stretchy kind of feeling in my thighs too, cos of the broad jump training. feeling rested and happy =) they say absence makes the heart fonder. i say, maybe. work hard, play hard.
i'm finally starting to work hard. go me. finally following up on something mable tagged me with a long time ago. paiseh ah. caught up with a lot of other things...
Seven random facts about me: 1. i'm the shortest guy in class at 166 cm. 2. i have 2 sisters 3. i sleep at 12-1 am every day 4. really random sia. i uh talk a lot of nonsense? 5. i smile crookedly. 6. my eyebrows curl up at the ends. heh bet no one notices. 7. i don't like america Seven things that scare me: 1. enclosed spaces. i'm claustrophobic 2. cockroaches lol. 3. ahh i can't think of any. 4. feeling helpless. 5. girls crying 6. 7. Seven songs at the moment: 1. First Love. haha. the Tokyo Kosei version ^^ 2. Like The Wind - S.E.N.S 3. Unchained Melody (Instru) - Max Lemar and Melody Sweeting 4. Forever in Love (Instru) - Max Lemar and Melody Sweeting 5. Stand By Me - Rockapella 6. 陪我看日出 - 蔡淳佳 7. Nickleback - Far Away Seven things i like: 1. playing electone 2. organic chem ^^ heh. 3. relaxing and listening to songs 4. endless grass plains, open to the sky 5. talking endlessly to my best friends 6. spending time with the people i love 7. =) 7 only? not enough la.... still got the sky and singing. oh and sprinting short dist. heh. Seven bad habits: 1. biting nails (sometimes) 2. severe procrastination 3. falling asleep when im not supposed to. at home and in sch 4. pressing pimples >< 5. doing things at weird hours 6. talking wayyyy too much 7. swallowing my words Seven victims: 1. har? er let's see. nar! 2. pj 3. who else reads my blog? nandita =) 4. zihan 5. zhu. write in your diary lol. show me sometime 6. zaka! whoa all the z's. 7. eugene. assuming u read this far. ok that's it. time to go do work cya lol i'm here again. this time it's to blog about today's happenings which i decided are too funny to not remember. seems like a pattern: i used to blog about abstract stuff, the day's happenings, and my thoughts alternately. now im doing all 3 in a single day. obviously takder kejer lain =/
today hui zhen and christina were missing from school....... get well soon yeah! XD civics was surprisingly held at c61. however attendance only consisted of some of the class guys, with shaggy and sam crashing. eh i wonder why ah =) chem lecture skip.... it was carboxylic acids (which dissociate to form 2 equivalent resonance structures, with the negative charge distributed between the 2 highly electronegative atoms). PE modules! i went fitness cos they refuse to let me play handball =/ why attendance list so updated wan... but nvm can jump alr. 230+ major improvement =) after PE we played street soccer at the bball court. woo han and sun lu damn funny =) sun lu's "incoming!" and woo han's fooling around. heh. then we celebrated wen hao's bday. happy birthday wen hao! lol. not bad wen hao and willy ponned chinese. 猛男. we had trouble lighting the candle (1) cos the wind was too strong, so wen hao ended up blowing the match -.- lol. somehow or other we found a tuner. so some of the guys (namely me, woo han and wen hao) had fun singing into it. wen hao couldn't tune a C. obviously cmi lol. woo han squeaked. he literally went "squeak" into the tuner in a high-pitched voice. couldn't stop laughing for half a minute LOL. kena abrasion during captain's ball (which happened after the bday celebration). serves me right for playing barefoot for both that and the earlier street soccer. asking for it lah... wen hao and woo han the combi super powerful. but at least i can take wen hao. he's around my height heh. i think that's about it? econs was nothing. GP was nothing (obviously). maths was quite fun for once. i owned wen hao and miki with the help of shaggy. when x=4, y= 0 XD thanks shaggy! yup that's really it. long long posts. im really spamming le. entry no. 106....... wasn't paying attention to the number. hais but then it doesn't really mean that much to me anyway.
just wanted to follow up on some thoughts. i've said this before, and i'll say it again: shi jun is one cool guy. XD don't ask me how, or why. go find out for yourself heh. and yeah, i must really learn to shut up sometimes. paiseh willy. though i think you'll never read this lar. but yeah shutting up as of now. time to sit down and mug maths. hey i just realised that you can lock entries in blogger! oO okay. from now on expect to see my posts randomly locked for no reason at all =)
do you feel the same or am i only dreaming where's that line from? anyone who knows, please drop a tag. and i'm starting to think that doing hw is fun =/ somebody please kill me. (not literally hor) but i still can't stand physics. why? i thought physics was pretty okay at the start of the year... [edit] oh wait. the "lock" i saw was my name. lol. [/edit] |